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AG 1 – Grammatical gaps: Definition, typology and theory
Organisation: Thomas Strobel, Helmut Weiß
AG 2 – Weak elements in prosodic acquisition and processing
Organisation: Ulrike Domahs, Angela Grimm, Mathias Scharinger
AG 3 – The semantics of derivational morphology: Theory, methods, evidence
Organisation: Sven Kotowski, Ingo Plag
AG 4 – Free variation = unexplained variation? Empirical and theoretical approaches to optionality in grammar
Organisation: Kristin Kopf, Thilo Weber
AG 5 – Encoding aspectuality in Germanic languages — empirical and theoretical approaches
Organisation: Hanna Fischer, Melitta Gillmann, Mirjam Schmuck
AG 6 – Empirical approaches to canonical and non-canonical uses of negation
Organisation: Katharina Schaebbicke, Heiko Seeliger
AG 7 – On the nouniness of propositional arguments
Organisation: Katrin Axel-Tober, Lutz Gunkel, Jutta M. Hartmann, Anke Holler
AG 8 – Ditransitives across languages and frameworks
Organisation: Cherlon Ussery, Jóhannes Gísli Jónsson, Nicole Dehé
AG 9 – The semantics and pragmatics of conditional connectives
Organisation: Mingya Liu, Mathias Barthel
AG 10 (10a, Kurz-AG) – Prosodic boundary phenomena
Organisation: Fabian Schubö, Sabine Zerbian, Sandra Hanne, Isabell Wartenburger
AG 11 (10b, Kurz-AG) – Edge-asymmetries in morphophonology
Organisation: Daniel Gleim, Marie-Luise Popp
AG 12 (11a, Kurz-AG) – Eye-tracking and language production
Organisation: Martina Penke, Judith Schlenter, Elyesa Seidel
AG 13 (11b, Kurz-AG) – Model and evidence in quantitative comparative linguistics
Organisation: Gerhard Jäger, Johann-Mattis List
AG 14 (12a, Kurz-AG) – Grammatische Modellierung als Grundlage für sprachdidaktische Vermittlung
Organisation: Anja Müller, Katharina Turgay
AG 15 (12b, Kurz-AG) – Contrastive corpus methodology for language modeling and analysis
Organisation: Martin Klotz, Anke Lüdeling, Anna Shadrova