Module structure
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This M.A. programme in Linguistics: Language, Communication and Cognition is structured into three domains. The first domain comprises courses that are taught by all participating disciplines including the introductory lecture, a broad variety of methods seminars, and colloquia. The second domain consists of the modules in the specialization that each student chooses. Specializations are offered in English Language and Linguistics, General Linguistics and Linguistic Diversity, German Linguistics, Romance Linguistics, Slavic Linguistics, and Language & Cognition. The third domain offers flexibility as to how many modules a student wishes to choose from their specialization, and whether or not a student would like to try out modules from another specialization for greater variety. The Scandinavian department offers additional courses in Scandinavian linguistics that can be optionally chosen.
The area 'Research Methods and Research Practice' offers students the opportunity to learn methodological basics through exercises in the modules M2 Statistics and M3 Empirical Research Methods on the one hand, and on the other hand they are encouraged to apply what they have learned in a practical phase through the module M4 Linguistic Practice. The courses offered include introductions to statistics, experimental methods and qualitative methods. These courses should preferably be taken in the first three semesters. In the practical part, students can choose between attending linguistic lectures, conferences and summer schools, participating in an excursion, and carrying out a linguistic project, internship or study or research stay. One or more elective activities with a total of 16 ECTS credits must be taken. The practical module is recommended for the second or third semester. In addition, a course on research design is offered in the third semester and a research colloquium in the fourth semester to support students in conducting their own research project.
In the specialisation domain, two modules are chosen from the four offered. These are preferably taken in the first two semesters. In addition, the module Research perspectives of the respective subject area must be taken in the second or third semester.
Thirdly, in the Linguistic Supplementary Domain, seminars are taken in the student's own or one of the other subject areas offered or in Scandinavian linguistics. In the Supplementary Module in Linguistics I (M 36) it is possible to select a seminar in one's own or a foreign subject area, and in the Supplementary Module in Linguistics II (M37) a seminar from a foreign subject area must be chosen. The modules of the supplementary domain should be completed in the first two semesters.
This programme thus combines the full breadth of courses from all linguistics and cognitive science departments at the University of Freiburg. At the same time, students deepen their competence in their chosen specialization. This M.A. programme thus prepares for a professional future in linguistics in or outside of academia, combining broad theoretical and empirical skills with deep, focused training.